March 1, 2022
On March 1, 2022, the Judicial Base South Coalition held a hybrid conference, "Work of Disciplinary Bodies of Bar Associations," at its premises in Nis and through the Zoom Platform, where the research "Analysis of the Work of Disciplinary Bodies and Disciplinary Procedures of the Niš Bar Association" was presented. After the presentation of the research, a discussion followed. The conference was attended by lawyers, judges, prosecutors, representatives of state institutions, citizens' associations, international organizations, prominent experts, educational institutions, and the media.
The community of experts and the Serbian public at large share the impression that significant responsibility for the troubles which have for years faced the country's judiciary rests not only with the legislative and executive power but also with the judiciary itself – courts, prosecutors, and attorneys-at-law. Perceptions of how lawyers and bar associations operate are often based on superficial views rather than on findings of professional research. One strand of opinion holds that bar associations protect their members and do not pursue disciplinary charges against individual lawyers efficiently and impartially. In that context, this research was designed to gain documented, fact-based insight into the disciplinary accountability of the legal profession (the bar) and bar associations.
These aspects were discussed in the studio in Niš with:
Nevena Petrušić, LLD, author of the study, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš
Bojana Arsenijević, researcher, Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš
Nataša Ćirić Išjamović, Attorney-at-Law based in Niš and Disciplinary Judge of the Niš Bar Association
The conversation was moderated by Dragan Đorđević and Mihajlo Čolak, members of the JBS Program Council.
U prvom delu skupa bilo je predstavljeno istraživanje, a drugi deo je bio namenjen pitanjima učesnika i diskusiji. Doprinos konferenciji, svojim stručnim viđenjem ove teme kao i preporukama za rešavanje problematike, dali su dr Katarina Golubović advokatica i predsednica Komiteta pravnika za ljudska prava YUCOM, Stefan Vlatković advokat iz Niša, Milan Jovanović, potpredsednik UG Iustitia iz Niša i sudijski pomoćnik u Privrednom sudu u Nišu, Srđan Mitić, advokat iz Pirota i predsednik Disciplinskog suda Advokatske komore Srbije, Ljiljana Stojanović, glavni i odgovorni urednik portala Jugpress i direktorka Centar za demokratiju i razvoj juga Srbije i dr Nebojša Stanković, advokat iz Niša.
Read the research text
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Izradu istraživanja i organizovanje konferencije je podržala Fondacija za otvoreno društvo.